pelle perfetta 10 consigli

Skin: ten tips to follow for perfect skin

Perfect skin is first and foremost healthy skin and to be healthy it must be well moisturised.
Remember that the skin is your first calling card and we must be careful and take care of our dermis. Here are what we at Dermacosmesi consider to be the 10 tips for perfect, radiant and elastic skin.

Ten tips for perfect skin: are you ready to read?

Proper hydration makes the skin supple and able to react to time, weather, stress and pollution. For the skin to remain well moisturised, collagen is needed; this captures water and maintains hydration for a long time. The production of collagen is stimulated by hyaluronic acid, both of which are less and less present in the skin with time because cell renewal tends to slow down with age. Here are ten tips to follow for perfect skin:

  1. Moisturises the skin;
  2. Take care of your nutrition;
  3. Sleep and rest the right amount of time;
  4. Clean your face carefully;
  5. Facial peeling and body scrub;
  6. Avoid squeezing pimples;
  7. Use cleansers that are not aggressive for your skin;
  8. Protect your skin during sun exposure;
  9. Use the right creams for your skin;
  10. Delicate make-up.

Ready to read? Pay close attention because we have divided these good tips into macro-areas.

Lifestyle and beauty: hydrate, nourish and rest your skin

Hydrate your skin
Hydrate your skin

1. Hydrate your skin: drink at least two litres of water a day

For proper hydration and perfect skin, it is first necessary to drink at least two litres of water a day, which purifies and moisturises the skin.
Moisturisation through correct eating habits is much more effective than any moisturiser.

pelle alimentazione

2. Take care of your diet: use foods that promote your skin’s luminosity

Proper nutrition requires plenty of fruit and vegetables, which contain valuable minerals and vitamins that nourish the skin and make it glow.
Frying, excessive consumption of fats and gravies should be avoided.

pelle riposo
Sleep and rest the right amount of time

3. Get the right amount of sleep and rest: your skin needs regeneration

When you don’t get enough sleep, you wake up in the morning with a dull complexion and puffiness. This happens because the skin also needs to regenerate. To improve the appearance in a short time after a sleepless night or a night at the disco, you can make a decongestant ice pack and a gentle massage that stimulates the microcirculation.

Treat your skin well: it will thank you

Clean your skin carefully
Clean your skin carefully

4. Clean your face thoroughly: a must for your skin

In order for the skin to be healthy, it needs to breathe and therefore needs proper oxygenation, especially at night. To achieve this effect, it is good to properly cleanse the face every evening with cleansing milk, so that the impurities accumulated during the day and make-up are washed away.
The pores are now free to breathe. After the cleansing milk you can gently dab on a toner, this has astringent properties and tones the skin, plus it offers a pleasant feeling of freshness.
You have to remember that it is absolutely wrong to go to bed without having removed your make-up, besides waking up with Dalmatian eyes you hurt your skin.

Peeling per il viso e scrub per il corpo: fa bene alla pelle
Peeling per il viso e scrub per il corpo: fa bene alla pelle

5. Peeling for the face, scrubbing for the body: this will be the mantra for perfect skin

These two treatments aim to deeply cleanse the skin by removing dead cells and toxins. Only when the pores are perfectly free of obstructions can the skin breathe well and consequently there is re-oxygenation of the tissues, which is useful for cell renewal. But especially when the pores are free, beauty treatments, including snail slime cream or serum, can penetrate deep into the skin and thus provide nourishment. The body scrub also avoids the annoying problem of ingrown hairs.

Avoid squeezing pimples, blackheads and comedones
Avoid squeezing pimples, blackheads and comedones

6. Avoid squeezing pimples, blackheads and blackheads: you can leave unsightly micro-scars on your skin

Although the temptation is always there, you must absolutely avoid squeezing pimples, blackheads, blackheads. Crushing them means giving yourself unsightly scars, and it also contributes to the spread of microbes and bacteria and thus to further bacterial proliferation responsible for the formation of pimples.

Perfect skin: be careful about the cosmetics you use

Use cleanser that are not aggressive for your skin

7. Use non-aggressive cleansers for your skin: cleansing the dermis is essential and should be done with the right products

Especially when your skin is delicate, it is good to use personal hygiene products that are hypoallergenic and highly moisturising. This way, after washing your face and body, you will not have that unpleasant feeling of skin tightness and itching.

Watch out for sun exposure
Watch out for sun exposure

8. Watch out for sun exposure: always use sunscreens and your skin will be protected from the sun’s harmful radiation

The sun can make your skin beautiful, but it can also damage it by contributing to the appearance of sun spots.
The seventh of the ten tips for perfect skin is to expose yourself to the sun with adequate sun protection, preferring morning and evening hours.
After exposure it is a good idea to take a shower to remove residues, chlorine and saltiness, and above all to moisturise the skin well. Only in this way does the sun contribute to perfect skin.

Use the right creams and products for your skin type
Use the right creams and products for your skin type

9. Use creams and products suited to your skin type: always read the INCI (we never stop writing and repeating it to you)

The advice given so far helps to prevent dehydration of the skin, keep it glowing and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. However, this is not enough, the skin needs to be nourished and to do this, the right creams must be used. Today, the world of cosmetics offers products, creams and serums based on snail slime. This precious ingredient is rich in mucopolysaccharides, glycolic acid, collagen, elastin, peptides, vitamins, i.e. essential elements to nourish the skin in depth, stimulate cell regeneration, moisturise the skin and make it elastic, for perfect skin.

Snail slime: a powerful ally for your skin

Snail slime products are able to purify the skin in depth, which is why they are recommended for those with oily skin and young people with acne problems. It has a healing effect, so it helps reduce scars and marks that may be left by youthful acne.
Thanks to collagen and elastin, it deeply nourishes the skin and is able to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and reduce those already present, with amazing effects on shallow wrinkles that disappear without the need for cosmetic surgery.
Its power is due to the fact that it not only contains collagen and elastin, but also stimulates the production of fibroblasts, which in turn give considerable support to cell renewal.
As a result, the skin appears brighter and more toned, younger, just perfect skin.
Despite all the precautions taken, have sun spots
formed on the skin? The glycolic acid in snail slime helps to lighten them. Snail slime products are not only useful for the face, but also for the body as they also have beneficial effects on stretch marks.

Delicate Make-up
Delicate Make-up

10. Delicate make-up: don’t weigh your skin down

Here is the last (but not least) of the 10 tips for perfect skin.
After using your snail slime beauty cream, it is good to remember to use make-up products that are not aggressive, so choose quality products.

If you have something to suggest, please write it in the comments!
Remember to always take care of your skin.

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