iperpigmentazione macchie scure pelle

What is hyperpigmentation of the skin: how it manifests itself, what it is due to and how to treat it

Hyperpigmentation of the skin is a very common feature, especially in people of an older age. These are dark spots on the skin that are considered by many to be real blemishes. Here is how they form and how to lighten them.

What is hyperpigmentation and what causes it?

Hyperpigmentation of the skin has several causes. In order to understand how they form, it is necessary to start at the base. The human body is an almost perfect machine and therefore reacts to what it considers aggressive or harmful. When we expose ourselves to the sun, the pituitary gland, a gland, increases the production of melanin, a hormone whose purpose is to protect the skin from stressful agents that can damage it. Melanin is responsible for the dark colour of the skin; if production is not uniform in all areas of the body, dark spots form. The first spots due to varying concentrations of melanin are freckles that form in genetically exposed persons, i.e. persons with a very fair complexion, often with red hair, these form at an early age and are small and irregular. Not so for mature skin on which rather irregularly shaped, dark spots tend to form, giving the face an old-age look.

Can you prevent the formation of stains? Sure, if you know how. We suggest a few tips to help you love your skin more

Hyperpigmentation of the skin can be prevented by trying to avoid the factors that predispose to the formation of spots.

Give up bad habits: unhealthy eating, smoking and alcohol are the enemies of your skin

First of all, it is good to remember that smoking, bad eating habits and alcohol abuse favour the formation of spots because they tend to make the skin dehydrated, thinner and therefore less able to defend itself and consequently more likely to activate the protection system with the production of excess melanin.

Sun exposure: take care of your skin by protecting it with the right sun creams

Another factor that leads to the formation of spots is careless exposure to the sun. Exposure during the cooler hours of the day, i.e. early morning and late afternoon, should be preferred. In order to avoid hyperpigmentation, it is also necessary to use sun protection appropriate to one’s phototype. There are many people who, in order to speed up the conquest of a tan, avoid using sunscreen; this is an unhealthy habit because, in addition to increasing the occurrence of unsightly sunspots, it also exposes them to the risk of melanoma.

Spread the right amount of sunscreen several times during your day at the beach and remember to moisturise your skin properly

It must also be reiterated that in addition to using the right sun filter for one’s phototype, it is also necessary to put on the right amount of sunscreen, as spreading too little leads to a significant lowering of the protective factor indicated on the packaging. The protection must be applied constantly and several times during long sun exposure. After exposure to the sun, it is also necessary to moisturise the skin so that it has the right hydrolipid balance again.

Take care of your diet and your skin will thank you

To avoid the formation of dark spots on the skin, it is also important to take care of your diet by regularly eating fruit and vegetables that contain beta-carotene, a substance that helps even out skin colour and melanin production. Orange-coloured products such as carrots, melon, apricots, peaches and tomatoes contain beta-carotene.

From cosmetics, a product that lightens the dark spots caused by your age: snail slime, a trusted ally of your skin

Despite all the precautions mentioned above, it is still possible for some dark spots due to hyperpigmentation to form, especially with the passing of the years and thus with natural ageing. In this case, however, there are cosmetics that can help. In recent years, the lightening power of creams and serums based on snail slime has been discovered. In Italy this ingredient has been used mainly in recent years, but in the East the custom of undergoing beauty treatments using snail slime goes back a long way. The best known treatment consists of placing three snails on the face and letting them walk around, they release the serum that nourishes the skin. However, cosmetic companies have revolutionised this method through extraction processes that respect the animal. The slime, once extracted, is also filtered and subjected to purification processes.

The active ingredients of snail slime in cosmetics

The use of snail slime in cosmetics is due to the particular concentration of active ingredients contained in this ingredient. In particular, there are substances capable of deeply nourishing the skin and repairing damage such as scars and sun spots. It contains Vitamins A and E, important antioxidants that stimulate cell regeneration and thus help the skin to remain young. There is a high percentage of collagen and hyaluronic acid, which keep the skin deeply moisturised and plump it up, thus also counteracting the thinning of the skin, which makes it more defenceless during sun exposure.

Snail slime contains allontoin: an excellent natural healer

Snail slime also has a good percentage of allontoin, which has a soothing effect (even on sunburn) and promotes healing. Finally, it contains glycolic acid, which is responsible for lightening skin blemishes that have formed due to poor sun exposure or otherwise due to advancing age.

The formulations of snail slime creams and serums

Specific formulations based on snail slime can be found on the market, the aim of which is to help lighten spots due to hyperpigmentation. The solutions on the market come in cream and serum formulations, the creams in turn being designed with specific formulations for the face and body.

Face and body cream against hyperpigmentation

The difference between a hyperpigmentation cream for the body and for the face is that the skin on these two parts is different. That of the face is thinner and tends more easily to be affected by dark spots also because it is more exposed to the sun. That is why even in winter, one should use a face cream with a light sun filter. Face creams are usually more concentrated and at the same time lighter in texture so that they can hold up well to make-up.

Snail slime serum to combat hyperpigmentation: a panacea

For a shock action against dark spots, the use of a serum is also recommended. This is in liquid form and lacks the oily, or rather creamy, component of creams. This characteristic makes absorption easier, but also allows a higher percentage of active ingredients and thus a more powerful action. The use of a serum is recommended in the evening when the skin, due to reactivation of the micro-circulation, is more receptive. The use of snail slime-based body and face products also helps to reduce acne marks, stretch marks and wrinkles.

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